Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Last Shadow Puppets

Alex Turner and Miles Kane have formed a side project

after watching and therefore listening to their first single

The Age of the Understatement

I really don't know what to think

I love love love Arctic Monkeys and Alex Turner

in fact I would be perfectly happy if he appeared on my doorstep right now

and asked to marry me...but anyway

not gone AT ALL on this puppet thingy

it is a preposterous video

I only pray it is a piss take

you begin to wonder whether the shunning of the limelight is not mr AT's choice at all, but is the other band members

with an ego massaging bombastic vainglorious video such as this

the song is meh, sounds WAY too much like Muse's "Knights of Cydonia" and a little like The Shadows {?!} "Apache"

and [I thought] everyone knew that Muse are almost the only band that can get away with such over the top music...

not impressed turner, not impressed

ah but aren't you just a beaut

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