{I'm pretty goddamn pissed as the bloody photo won't save in mypictures..so I cannay upload it ..ah le sigh }
anyways, I was perplexed.. who was the fine little pixie on the right???
I stared and stared, it was driving me quite mad... can't exactly remember how I figured it out, but I did HURRAH
I see him daily, he looks at me daily, he is on my wall in Cork, amongst my many fashion ads, for the Buberry AW07, there he is staring at me... that's is why it drove me so mad because he was SO familiar

there on the right, Edward Larrikin, I had never exactly thought him hot, nay pixie cute as I did in the photo on flickr [click that link, SO cute!]
and so I stalked,.. as I do...
if it explains my willingness to stalk random modelly/singery/dudes, I should inform you that I have been suffering chronic headaches for the past three days, my headache is lessened to a dull ache whilst sitting [hence the flickr stalking] but upon standing up, it is raised up to Harry Potter proportions, my headache explodes across the crown, as if Voldemort is near, and my scar is splitting open and well, it's all quite nasty really
so new pixie crushes are a welcome distraction pour moi

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